Dental Check-up

Frequent visits to the dentist's office are extremely important to the overall health of your smile. It is recommended that patients visit their dentist for a check-up on a bi-annual basis, or when necessary. A routine exam visit will include a professional cleaning with the hygienist.

What can I expect at my dental check-up?

During your check-up with the dentist, your teeth, gums and overall bite will be examined. A series of X-rays may need to be taken if you have not had them in a while, or if the dentist needs to learn more about a suspected oral issue. The hygienist or dentist may also probe your teeth to identify any soft or sticky spots that may indicate decay, and may measure the pockets in between your teeth and gums to establish your gum health. The dentist will also do a brief screening for oral cancer by checking for any suspicious spots in the mouth

Why are regular dental visits necessary?

Routine visits to the dentist will help you to keep on top of your oral health, and will also serve a purpose to educate you on what you can do differently at home to maintain the healthiest smile you can. Our Stouffville dentist is always happy to demonstrate proper cleaning techniques if a patient needs some “brushing up” on their skill.

If it’s been longer than 6 months since you've been in the dentist's chair, it’s time to change that! Contact our Stouffville dental team today. We'd love to see you!